Which Online Business Is Right For You

What is the best online business? All promise they are on or near the top of the list but how do we know? Research and more research, it goes on for quite some time.
Have a nine to five job that eats up the time that you could be investing into an online business? Nine to five job not so glamorous, feel under-appreciated, taken advantage of, taken for granted? I'm sure there are many more things that we work bots go through on the 9 to 5 grind, the point is we have to stick with it until we find something better. Unfortunately it is 99.9% guaranteed that your dream opportunity is not just going to come knocking at your door, or the worry and work free online business is just going to show up in your E Mail in-box... be prepared to do a lot of work to earn your freedom from the grind.
At the moment I say the free affiliate programs that are out there are your best bet if you are new to online marketing. There is so much to learn, before you decide to invest even a small amount of money do your research on whatever it is that you decide to join beforehand.
  • I have in the past been involved in an MLM which was ok, I ended up getting free product but decided to discontinue my membership. Things change so fast and if you lose key people below you that seriously affects your bottom line.
Things to think about before Joining Up with a Pay Affiliate Program or Business.
  • Do you want to market one product? a few products or hundreds of products?
  • Do you want to be actively involved or are you going to pay a fee and have them market it for you?
  • If you are still working, how much time do you have to put into the prospective business, do you have enough time?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Do you have to go out and attend meetings?
  • Do you have to attend web conferences?
  • How much technology/knowledge do you need to have to make the business succeed?


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