Dog Diet – The Right Food For Your Dog

$ 1.29

Dog Diet - The Right Food For Your Dog - Master Resale Rights with Giveaway License

All-In-One Dog Diet Manual That Would Help You Regulate Your Dog's Diet Properly And Help Him Get Over His Obesity And Get Back To Shape Save Your Dog From Ruining His Health, After All, He Is Your Best Friend!

In this book, you will learn about:

* The Importance Of A Dog's Diet

* Guidelines To Choose A Healthy Dog Diet For Your Pet

* A Dog's Diet Influences Oral Health

* Dog Food: Thoughts For Consideration

* Dog Food: Nutritional Information

* Tips To Consider When Determining Your Puppy Dog's Diet

* How Your Dog's Diet Affects Outputs

* When to Change Your Dog's Diet

* The Best Way To Switch Your Dog's Diet * Dog Food: Don't Go Cheap

* Dog Food: Read Labels

* Where to Find Nutritious Dog Diet

* Dog Food: Understanding Ingredients

* Are Supplements Good Additions To Your Dog's Diet

* Senior Dog Diet

* Vegetarian Dog Diet

* Make A Natural Dog Diet At Home For Better Health

* Protein And Kidney Failure From Your Dog's Diet

* Dog Food: Poisonous Foods

* Don't Use Table Scraps On Your Dogs Diet

* How Treats Affect Your Dog's Diet

* Does Your Dog's Diet Need To Include Supplements?

* The Significance Of A Feeding Plan To A Dog's Diet

* The Raw Dog Diet

* Dog Food: Food Requirements

* How To Know If Your Dog's Diet Contains Enough Fatty Acid

* The Role Of Calcium In Your Dog's Diet

* Dog Food: Chicken In Dog Food

* Dog Food: Choice Is Important

* Dog Food: Which To Buy

* Dog Food: Taurine In Dog Food

* Glucosamine In A Dog's Diet

* Green Bean Dog Diet

* Benefits Of Fiber In Your Dog's Diet

* Dog Food: Commercial Or Premium?

* Dog Food: Buy Premium

* Your Dog's Diet: Canned Dog Food vs. Dry Kibble

* Dog Food: Obesity

* When To Stop Your Dog's Diet

* Your Vet Is The Ideal Source Of Help Concerning Your Dog's Diet

Dog Diet - The Right Food For Your Dog MRR Ebook with Giveaway Rights explains your dogs nutritional needs and how you can satisfy them. The book is, undoubtedly, a must read for all dog owners who are concerned about the health and well being of their dogs.

The Truth Behind The Lies

$ 1.59

The Real Truth Behind Making A Living On The Internet

Making a living on the internet is simple, but it's not easy. There is no one single method that you tap into and money just flows out of your computer like magic. Discover how to make a living online using solid business principles, not "pie in the sky" hype.

"The Lies behind the Truth" will take you on a journey, a journey of self-exploration. The book is dedicated to all those people who were lead to believe that the manifestation of happiness, health, or abundance was not attainable. It's also for those who have struggled to live up to the expectations of others, expectations we've allowed them to set for us, instead of charting our own destiny, our own greatness, and our own happiness.

By reflecting back on his own life, Randy Kolibaba will show you how your current thoughts and beliefs can truly influence what you experience and manifest into your life. Randy will also show you how easy it is to make a positive change in your life by simply starting to look at what you're thinking.

The Unstoppable Internet Entrepreneur Mindset

$ 0.39

The Indispensible Guide to Creating Unlimited Weath Online!

You'll be great at Internet marketing when you condition your mind for getting into business and then making the most of it.

So, how do you do that effectively?

Ecommerce is a very difficult topic to understand. A lot depends on how much you love what you're doing.

This ebook gives some great tips on how you can develop the mindset of an unstoppable magnet for wealth.

One thing is the same for all different types of businesses so that they can become successful – the right mindset.

With the right mindset, any Internet entrepreneur is unstoppable.

  • Life has little worry or insecurity, as solutions seem to pop up magically.

  • Anything that is needed or wanted seems to appear simply.

Millionaires today are mostly business owners. Their neighbors and friends respect their wealth. You can join this elite club. Start Now. Get Your Copy Today! Guaranteed Instant Download!

Traffic Heist - Underground Traffic Generation Strategies!

$ 0.79

A Step By Step Blueprint To Legally Steal, Swipe And Funnel As Much Targeted FREE Traffic As Your Server Can Handle!

And how you can open the traffic dam to begin sending your first surge of traffic in just 24 hours less.. guaranteed!

Product Name

Traffic Heist


Activate A Traffic Generation System That Will Sweep Through Your Niche Markets And Pull In Thousands Of Highly Targeted Customers, Instantly..

It's time that you exposed your website to the hottest traffic generation strategies used by the "big names”, here is some of the Traffic Heist blueprint will show you:

  1. The ONLY traffic strategies that are worth pursuing and how to dominate every single one within 7 days or less WITHOUT spending a fortune in the process.. guaranteed!

  2. How you can set up the ultimate traffic funnel that "pre-screens" your traffic and makes sure that ONLY hungry buyers and targeted prospects are using up your bandwidth (and that THEY are the ones paying for your hosting every month!)

  3. How to cut your promotion time in HALF and yield THREE times the results!

  4. How to instantly integrate traffic magnets into critical elements of your website, effortlessly. (even a complete newbie can do this)

  5. Exploit FREE blog plugins to suck in targeted traffic and generate fresh RSS subscribers without ever having to pay a dime in advertising or sponsorships!

  6. What you absolutely NEED to know about article marketing, SEO, social media and every other traffic tactic used by new marketers and why only a handful of these techniques are worth your time (and how to maximize their effectiveness).

  7. How to keep the traffic flooding in, long after you have launched your website! Don't let your website flat line after it's initial "push" and how to keep it coming in for years to come!

  8. Trade Your Useless Traffic In For Hungry Buyers Without Ever Having To Pay A Dime For It!


You will get everything you need with this ebook to start your own small business and Make Real Money Online even if you are a beginner.

When it comes to online business, there is only one thing that you need above all else; traffic. Whether you are an affiliate marketer, or you create your own info products and services, without traffic, your business will never get off the ground and ultimately, your website doomed to be nothing more than wasted space, clutter, useless. After all, traffic equates to customers and without these prospects, there is no income, no profit, and no success. Thankfully, not all traffic comes with a hefty price tag, in fact, there are many ways to generate prime, targeted traffic to your websites and landing pages absolutely free. Known in most circles as “Bum Marketing”, these methods of generating traffic are often the highest converting, most targeted traffic that you can get, which is why, aside from the no cost factor, is why so many people are interested in learning exactly how it’s done.

Traffic Jam - How To Get 1 Million Visitors This Year

$ 2.50

Creating a traffic jam at your website is every webmaster's dream. Learn how to turn your traffic dreams into reality with 1 million targeted free visitors.


Hi there. My name is Terry Telford from And today, we're very lucky to have Mark Flavin joining us. Now over the past year, Mark has put together a system of generating traffic that gets him over 1 million visitors annually. That's over 3,000 visitors a day. And all that traffic translates into a gross income of about $10,000 a month. Is that about right Mark?


Yeah about $10,000 yup!


So as long as your website converts visitors into sales, it makes a very big difference to get a lot of traffic to your websites. So Mark, I'm going to pick your brain and find out what you're doing to get that amount of traffic to your websites.

I want you to show us exactly what you're doing and how we can follow in your footsteps. By the end of the call, I'd like everyone to start developing a lot of traffic to whatever websites they want.

So I think we'll start off by giving you a little introduction Mark.

Mark is a computer science and economics student in University College in Cork Ireland, but he's taken the year off, because his internet business started doing so well for him. He wants to get things in order and make sure the business continues to grow. So I guess instead of me babbling on Mark, it's probably better if I let you take over since it's actually your life story and you could tell us where you come from, how you ended up getting online and how you got to the point where you are now.


First of all Terry, thank you for having me on the call, it's great to be here. Basically I started my first website at about 16 years of age. I created a ringtone site. Ringtones, as you have probably noticed, became a little bit of a phenomenon, but when I started, there was nobody doing it.

So all I did was email a few radio stations and eventually got some national coverage. I got 5 minutes on one of the Irish radio stations and it landed me 40,000 hits to that website.

Unfortunately the site wasn't monetized, because I was young and naïve and didn't really know exactly what I was doing. But thankfully, since then things have changed. I'm much more proficient in internet marketing. That's basically my very first internet marketing story.

Traffic Mayhem - 1 Million Free Visitors

$ 1.79

The full package, Traffic Mayhem - Direct 1 Million Free Visitors To Your Website includes:

  • Master Resale Rights – You keep 100% of the profit from every copy you sell

  • Downloadable CD – Download and listen at your convenience in your car or on your MP3 player

  • Transcript in PDF format – Print it out for easy reading and note taking

  • Sales page – Simply upload it and let it sell the package for you

  • Thank you page for your customers to download the package – Hassle free. Customize a couple links and upload the page to your server

  • Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Service pages – Gives your customers a feeling of security and peace of mind

  • Graphics package for the HTML sales page – Professionally designed graphics helps convert more visitors into customers

  • Marketing kit to promote the package – Saves you time and headaches trying to come up with your own promotional material

Screen shot sample of website:

Order your copy of Traffic Mayhem - Direct 1 Million Free Visitors To Your Website with Master Resale Rights

How To Train Yourself For Soccer

$ 0.89

Have you ever envied successful soccer stars and longed to develop their skills and techniques? The 48-page eBook "How To Train Yourself For Soccer" assures you that you can become a soccer star if you wish. All you need to do is to train yourself well and develop the right skills and techniques. This excellent eBook, loaded with amazing soccer tips, will tell you how you can get well trained.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book:

Basic Equipment Required For Youth

Soccer Training

Soccer Tips: Blocking

Choosing The Right Gloves For Goalkeeping In Soccer Training

Coaching A Fun Soccer Training Session

Soccer Tips: Drills

Effective Ways To Handle Shin Splints During Soccer Training

Effectively Coaching Girls During Soccer Training

Ensuring Proper Hydration During Soccer Training

Exploring Different Types Of Soccer

Training Camps

Exploring The Benefits Of Soccer Training For Children

Soccer Tips: Finishing The Shot

Fundamental Skills Required For Soccer Training

Handling Head Injuries During Soccer Training

Important Coaching Accessories For Soccer Training

Increasing Your Speed During Soccer Training

Football Equipment: Soccer Boots

Football Equipment: Balls

Football Equipment: Football Kits

Football Equipment: Football Cleats

Football Equipment: Body Pads

And More!

Ultimate Body-Building And Fitness

$ 1.79

There are really two different ways of beginning a bodybuilding regime; the easy way and the hard way. Which one of the two you choose for yourself will determine the extent to which you will stick to the regime and thereby prove a success. Since you have a choice obviously you will have to prepare a proper well etched out plan for yourself in order to select the right option. If you are

like me (and like thousands of other smart people all over the world) you will no doubt choose to pursue the easy way, in which case you will have to start with a solid workout plan and get it all written down on paper.


Body Building: Tips For Success

Body Building: When To Start And Stop

Body Building: Time Management

Body Building: Clothes

Body Building: Understanding Anatomy

Types Of Exercises

Sample Meal Plans

Sweet Dreams (Getting Enough Rest)

Body Building For Her

Your Resources For Body Building

Boost Your Metabolism Naturally

The South Beach Diet And Metabolism

Using Food To Boost Your Metabolism

The Harm Of Using Diet Pills

Dieting To Boost Your Metabolism.

Using Low Carb Diets To Boost Your Metabolism

The Benefits Of Alternative Methods

Breaking Through The Herbal Myth

Combining Supplements, Diet And Exercise To Boost Metabolism

The Mediterranean Diet And Metabolism

Using Food To Boost Your Metabolism

Using Natural Herbs To Boost Your Metabolism

Dreamt Of A Great Body – You Can Have It

Body Building Diet

Body Building National Championship

Body Building Supplement Review-Eat Right To Feel Tight

Body Building Workout

Body Building Supplements For Females

Discount Body Building Supplements

Female Body Building Videos- Strength Knows No Gender

Insulin In Body Building

Natural Body Building

Natural Body Building Supplements: The Way To A Healthy And Fit Body

The Bodybuilding Supplement – Nitric Oxide

Body Building: For Teenagers

Body Building: Software

Body Building: The Basics

Body Building: Safety Measures

Body Building: Exercises

Body Building: Diets

Body Building: Supplements

Body Building: Equipment

Body Building: The Art

Body Building: For Women

Ultimate Guide To Free Web Traffic For Your Success

$ 1.39

YES! Here Is "The Ultimate Guide

to FREE Web Traffic For Your Success"

And Everything Else You'll Ever Need For Massive Traffic Generation

Get Traffic To Any Of Your Web sites In Any Niche At Any Time And

As Often As You Want! At A Price You Simply Can Not Afford > TO PASS UP!

In this ebook, not only will you learn where and how to generate massive streams of targeted traffic (did I mention for FREE?), but you’ll learn how to plug the “holes” in your marketing system that could be causing you to lose those valuable visitors!

Here's What You Will Learn In

Ultimate Guide To Free Web Traffic For Your Success

  • How to get that initial flow of visitors to make your website a place that they regularly visit?

  • The ultimate "white hat" SEO technique to drive targeted traffic to your website and get lots of backlinks.

  • One major mistake 98% of all webmasters make... and how to avoid it. (If you ignore this, not only will your customers leave you but also Google will punish you.)

  • 4 places your visitors might leak out from and never return to your site.

  • The simple best way to drive TARGETED & FREE traffic to YOUR WEBSITE.

  • Learn why two-way links is NOT always the best solution to get better results at search engines.

  • The ultimate "thing" that your visitors want... and how to get more and more visitors by giving them what they want.

  • Which traffic generation techniques are right for YOU? (You’ll learn a bullet-proof method to discover them.)

  • How to give your visitors a chance to promote your website? (This is the #1 strategy that all gurus use in one way or the other.)

  • How to attract freebie seekers to your website right before you convert them to customers?

  • One of the best ways to create viral traffic to your website. (HINT: Once you learn it, you’ll never want to give away this secret to anyone.)

  • How to turn your “shy” website to a “social” website!

  • Discover how a simple, home-made video will drive tons of visitors to your website. (It’s easy. You only need to know how to use it effectively.

  • How to take an offline strategy which works effectively and copy it to the online world to promote your website for free.

  • Discover a website that Google fell in love with and learn how you can TAKE ADVANTAGE of it almost INSTANTLY.

  • Two places that you can find a lot of people who are interested in your products and services. (And number one rule that you must keep in mind while promoting your website in these places.)

  • Learn how world’s top online stores can help you to be an authority figure in your niche and drive TARGETED traffic to your website for FREE.

  • Discover the two secret places where people are eagerly waiting to visit your website. (They obviously ASK you to guide them to your website.)

  • Once you find happy visitors, how to keep them coming back to your website. (You’ll learn more than one technique to achieve this result.)

  • Proven technique to get your site listed in search engines before you know it. (If you’ve a website, you MUST know this. Indeed, you already know this. The only problem is, you probably don’t know how to use this technique effectively.)

  • Three letters (actually two, one of them is used twice) that can change the way you promote your website. (HINT: Stop wasting time sending people emails who don’t want to get them and focus on people who are interested in your content, products and services.)

  • A simple strategy that can DOUBLE and even TRIPLE your web traffic right after you start to use it. (HINT: Guess how many people don’t speak English or prefer to visit a website in their own language?)

  • And much more!

The Ultimate Traffic Surge System

$ 1.29

Attention: All Webmasters (And New Internet Marketers) On A Shoestring Budget – Here’s Your Amazing Opportunity To Discover How To Funnel In A SURGE Of Molten, Red Hot TARGETED Traffic Into Your Websites In Just 10 Days & Do It For Less Than $200 Bucks!

Whether you’re just starting out, or suffering from traffic deprivation, or you’re on a tight budget and you urgently need some sales – this system will work for you!

Some people will tell you that "any traffic is good traffic" but they are usually the ones who are trying to sell you something that you definitely don't need.

The fact is this: the only good traffic is targeted traffic. Any other kinds of traffic are essentially useless. Period.

The kind of traffic (AKA visitors) that you absolutely MUST have on your website is the people who have their credit cards ready and are actually there looking to buy what you are selling.

That statement pretty much cuts through all the fluff, hype and myths about traffic generation, huh? As I'm sure you already know, lack of traffic happens to be the biggest hurdle for any new web site and Internet Business startups besides ready cash.

Understanding And Enjoying Golf

$ 1.29

Do You Want To Learn The Basics Of Golf? Keen To Understand What It Actually Takes To Be A Great Golfer? Confused, And Don't Know Where To Even Start? Fret Not! Help Is Around The Corner!

The eBook "Understanding And Enjoying Golf" is the best book for those who are frustrated with their poor performance at the golf course. This amazing eBook will teach you how to improve your golfing techniques. The most intricate details of this popular game golf are explained in a way that can completely transform your understanding of the game and make a better golfer out of you.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book:

* Buying Great Golf Clubs Without Emptying Your Wallet

* Can You Learn Golf From A Book?

* Choosing A Golf Club

* Combining Golf And The Internet Successfully

* Explanation Of Popular Golf Terms

* Free Golf Instructions Online- Know Where And How!

* Golf Accessories To Improve Your Game And Technique

* Golf Bags For Beginner Golfers

* What's In A Golf Ball?

* Hold The Caddy!

* Is Golf A Good Form Of Exercise?

* The Importance Of Junior Golf Equipment Review Sites

* How To Find Junior Used Golf Course Equipment Florida Residents Offer

* Picking A Golf Club With A Good Swing Weight

* Resources You Can Use For Picking Golf Clubs

* The Basic Guide To Choosing Golf Clubs

* The Many Novelty Accessories Available To Golfers

* Tips For Buying A Golf Cart

* Understanding The Basic Types Of Golf Clubs

* A Golf Club And Its Swing Weight

* Golf Vacation At The Michigan

* Choosing Golf Tournament Hole Signs

* Get Everything You Need With Great Golf Packages

* Etiquettes To Follow While Playing Golf

* Golf Swing Trainers

* How To Find The Perfect Golf Resort

* Learning All About Your Golf Swing

* Golf Training Precision Fitness

* Selecting Golf Tournament Awards

Understanding And Treating ADHD

$ 0.99

I am proud to tell you about one of the MOST AMAZING eBooks ever created! So AMAZING, you’ve got to see it to believe it.

My BRAND NEW software product called “Understanding And Treating ADHD eBook” will answer all your toughest questions. I recommend you order a copy of this new eBook right now.

No Question about it. The all-new “Understanding And Treating ADHD eBook” is one of the most comprehensive and useful resources on this planet. It’s fun and exciting, easy to use and packed with all the information .

I don’t care how many other eBooks you’ve seen or read about. You’ve never seen an eBook that can match this one. You do not want to miss out on this innovative eBook. Order your copy today.

In this book, you will learn about:

* ADD: How Is It Different From ADHD?

* An Introduction To Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

* ADHD Treatments: Is Your Child's Diet A Factor?

* 10 Advantages Of Having ADD

* What Is It Like To Live With Attention Deficit Disorder?

* ADHD Treatments: An Overview

* Attention Deficit Disorder: The Signs And Symptoms

* Understanding The True Nature Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

* 6 Tips For Slowing Down The ADD Brain

* Attention Deficit Disorder: What Is It Anyway?

* ADD: How Does It Affect Your Childs Schooling And Education?

* ADD And The Gift Of Resilience

* ADHD: How To Plan Your Childs Treatment Successfully

* ADHD Treatments: What Happens When Medications Are Not Enough?

* ADHD Treatments: The Diet

* The Bad Side Of ADHD Treatments

* Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder The Alternative Treatments Available

* How Is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Diagnosed?

* Attention Deficit Disorder: Is It A Disease Or Just A Phase?

* Attention Deficit Disorder: Is It Really That?

* What Does A Diagnosis Of Attention Deficit Disorder Really Mean?

* ADHD Treatment: Starting The Process

* Herbal ADHD Treatments

* ADHD Treatments: Medication Treatments

* ADD: The Types Of Its Manifestation In Kids

* Attention Deficit Disorder: Getting Your Facts Right

* Attention Deficit Disorder: Is It Really That?

* Difference Between ADD And ADHD

* Is Attention Deficit Disorder Actually A Learning Disability?

* ADD And Kids

* Adult ADD: 5 Tips For Job Effectiveness

* An Introduction To Attention Deficit Disorder

* ADHD Treatments With Rewards

* Finding The Right ADHD Treatment And Doctor

* 8 Essential Skills For Managing Attention Deficit Disorder

* Planning The Daily Life For Adults With ADD

* Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Is It?

* Attention Deficit Disorder: Getting Your Facts Right

* Understanding The Meaning Of An ADD Diagnosis: Some Facts!

* Tips For Parents Looking After A Child With ADD: Useful And Practical

Understanding And Treating ADHD MRR Ebook with Giveaway Rights is a highly informative eBook for sufferers of ADHD and also for those who have friends or family members suffering from this disorder. Written in simple, easy-to-understand language, this 70+ page eBook explains the symptoms and treatment of ADHD. It greatly enhances your understanding of ADHD and teaches you how to identify symptoms and care for those with ADHD.

Understanding And Treating Baby Colic

$ 0.99


Although colic is prevalent among babies, when it actually happens and a baby screams and cries without stopping, a new mom can be devastated. It occurs when the infant is about 2 or 3 weeks old and reaches its height at 2 months and comes down at about 3 or 4 months when it actually stops. The child is not in danger because of colic, but an episode can occur almost every day, and parents learn to deal with it and handle it well. Doctors and researchers are unable to come to a conclusion as to what actually causes it. Colic usually occurs after food, and as a result of a severe pain in the stomach, the child cries non-stop for hours. A typical attack can last from 1 – 4 hours. The baby becomes flushed from the exertion, and it is extremely hard on the parents to watch their tiny infant suffer so much. While there is an episode of colic, the baby’s stomach becomes distended, and the hands and feet become clammy and their fists are clenched. The episodes happen later in the afternoon or in the evening usually after food. Colic does not affect all babies and researchers tend to feel that it is through genetics – if either or both parents has had colic, it may pass on to their children.


Colic As A Common Ailment In Infants

Certain Factors That Can Worsen The Situation

Distinguishing The Signs Of Colic

Colic In Newborns

Colic In Babies

What Is Baby Colic?

Colic Symptoms In Babies

Dealing With A Colicky Infant

Colic In Babies - Babies Prone To Colic

Baby Colic – How To Comfort The Infant In Pain

Colic Relief In Babies

What Is Right Colic Flexure?

What You Need To Know About Left Colic Flexure

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding And Colic

What You Need To Know About Renal Colic

Help For Colic

Knowing How To Treat Colic

Remedy For Colic

Dealing With Colic At Home

Natural Remedies For Colic