30 Lip Gloss Recipes ebook

$ 0.59

30 Lip Gloss Recipes For You To Make

This is a brand new (2006) ebook in Adobe PDF format.


1. Front Cover

2. Disclaimer

3. Index

4. Handy Conversion Chart

5. Basic Formula

6. Basic Fun Lip Gloss

7. Basic Fun Lip Gloss II

8. Cranberry Lip Gloss

9. Silky Smooth Lip Balm

10. Honey Balm

11. Almond Lip Gloss

12. Helps Cold Sores Balm

13. Honey Cocoa Lip Balm

14. Aloe Vera Lip Gloss

15. Vaseline Lip Balm

16. Chocolate Balm

17. Vanilla Lip Gloss

18. Vanilla Lip Balm

19. Candle Wax Lip Balm

20. Eyeshadow Lip Balm

21. Cocoa Butter Lip Gloss

22. Castor Oil Lip Balm

23. Sweet Balm/Gloss

24. Heel Sores Balm

25. Quick & Easy Lip Balm

26. Hemp Oil Lip Balm

27. Peppermint Lip Balm

28. Nude Lip Balm

29. Fruity Lip Gloss

30. Cinnamon Lip Gloss

31. Hard Candy Lip Gloss

32. Cocoa Butter Minty Lip Gloss

33. Chocolate Lip Gloss

34. Beeswax Lip Balm

35. Lemon Lip Gloss

36. Small list of suppliers


3.) Cranberry Lip Gloss


  •  1 tablespoon sweet almond oil

  •  10 fresh cranberries

  •  1 teaspoon honey

  •  1 drop of vitamin E oil

How To:

Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl.

Microwave for a couple of minutes or until the mixture just begins to boil.

(Bowl may also be heated in a pan of water on a stovetop).

Stir well and gently crush the berries.

Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit

pieces. Stir again and set aside to cool completely.

When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin.


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