200 Problem Solving Tips For Your Home and Your Health

$ 0.79

How would you like to have the fast, economical and easy solutions to 200 home and health problems at your fingertips?

Now you can, with this money-saving and time-saving household reference!

In 200 Problem Solving Tips For Your Home and Your Health, you will find dozens of tips to save you money, reduce your stress and save you time in your home. You will get great advice like:

  • How To Remove A Broken Key From A Lock.

  • How To Remove A Stubborn Screw.

  • How To Keep Nails From Splitting Wood.

  • How To Remove Oil From Your Driveway.

  • How To Keep Fish Hooks From Rusting.

  • How To Make Sandpaper Last Longer.

  • How To Revive Old Razor Blades.

  • How To Cut Glass Without A Glass Cutter.

  • How To Get Water Out Of Your Watch.

  • How To Open That Stuck Zipper.

  • How To Loosen Those Tight Shoes.

  • How To Eliminate Odors From Disposal.

  • How To Prevent Flowers From Fading.

  • How To Remove Grease From Rugs.

  • How To Destroy The Desire For Nicotine.

  • How To Make A Pantyhose Last Longer.

  • How To Keep A Burn From Blistering.

  • What To Do If You Oversalt Food.

  • How To Destroy Onion Smells.

  • How To Boil A Cracked Egg.

  • How To Eliminate Popcorn Duds- FAST.

  • How To Keep Windshields Frost Free!

  • How To Clean Carved Furniture.

  • How To Clean Rust From Chrome.

  • Cure Scratches From Furniture.

  • How To Make An Emergency Clothes Brush.

  • How To Cut A Soft Pie.

  • How To Peel Onions Without Tears.

  • How To Keep Vegetables Fresh Longer.

  • And Many More!

Just imagine the time and money you will save, not to mention the reduced stress of having all of these tips right at your fingertips. And you can own this collection of problem solving tips for only $3 if you order today!


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