101 Tips to Have a Fabulous Lawn and Garden

$ 0.79


Lawn and Garden Care Tips

1. Remove the debris - One of the best things that you can do to get your lawn in shape for the coming season is the remove any debris; such as branches and rocks that may have accumulated over the winter. Not only will this help give your grass room to grow, but it will also prevent safety hazards once mowing season begins.

2. Do not over fertilize with nitrogen - Traditionally, many people would prepare their lawn with high amounts of nitrogen-based fertilizer in the spring. Unfortunately, this often leads to a significant amount of damage to the grass. If you are going to use nitrogen, be sure to wait until you have mowed at least a few times before you fertilize with nitrogen and wait until there will no longer be frost on the ground.

3. Use controlled-release fertilizers - If you are going to use a fertilizer in the spring, then you are best to look for one that contains nutrients that are released slowly over time, rather than all at once. You should also consider fertilizing over time, so that you help your grass to grow slowly rather than all at once.

4. May 1st is a good date to start weeding out crabgrass - In most areas of the country, crabgrass does not start to root until around the middle of May. Therefore, if you are going to apply an anti-crabgrass formula to your lawn it is a good idea to begin doing so around May 1st. Of course, this is not set in stone and if your climate is unusually warm or you notice crabgrass developing earlier, you can feel free to apply the formula earlier in the year.


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