50 Stories For Christian Children

$ 0.69

50 Children's Christian Stories has been created to help You teach your
child about basic Christian values in life. Interesting and funny,
regularly used by parents and/or carers. Fairy tale type stories,
realistic situation stories, fantasy and a few other genres as well!

What Stories You Can Find Inside And What Values They Promote?

- "Daddy the Superhero"

Value: Honor your Father and Mother

- "If I Were God"
Value: God’s Nature

-"Abe and Zack"

Value: The Story of Abraham and Israel

-"The Brand New Wizard"

Value: Patience

Here's the complete Table Of Contents:

A Bad Dream

A Raven Named Marvin

A Swear Word in Heaven

A Trip on a Comet

Abe and Zack

All the Little Lemurs

Baby Polar Bears

Bad Imaginary Friend

Belinda and Tempest

Cartoon Dreams

Charlie Wont Go

Chucky the Ducky

Daddy the Superhero

Discovering Heaven

Dorothy and the Dolphin

Eagles and Bears

Easter in the Garden

Fat Wally and the Piggies

Horace the Hippo

If I Were God

Is it Sin if You Didnt Know

Love in a Bottle

Loving Bullies

Merlins Magic Words

Misty Mountain

My Cat Thinks She is President

Nobody Asks the Donkey

Rubiks Cube

Screwtape Again


Smudge and Snuggles Find a Statue

Stanley the Snowman

The Angel Child

The Beggar Prince

The Brand New Wizard

The Broken Angel

The Good Little Snake

The Good Talker

The Great Tiger

The Happy Pony

The Joy of Stephen

The Prince of Thieves

The Rumor with Furry Feet

The Window in Time

Three Hobbits

What Does God Like

What Odd Creatures God Made

What the Drummer Boy Didnt Know

Whats the Deal with Bruno

Willie the Billy Goat


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