101 Tips For Selling Your Home

$ 0.59

See how easily you can sell your own home in today's market!

Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Make Sure You're Armed With Insider Tips, Tricks, And Tactics For Selling Your Home FAST For The Best Price Possible!

Thinking about selling your house without a real estate agent?

It can be done and the truth is, many people do it very successfully. But there's a trick to it that not everyone grasps.

What's the secret? Just like in anything else: knowledge is power! Soldiers don't go to combat without orders, plans, maps and guns. Entrepreneurs don't create profitable businesses without knowledge of the market. Surgeons don't go into the operating room without knowledge of their patient.

And now - you'll be able to sell your house armed with the knowledge of a professional real estate agent. I've got over one hundred tips that will be your ammunition. The housing market is hot and it's time to make a fortune with...

101 Tips For Selling Your Home!

Greetings Friend,

Who else wants to sell their own home quickly, cheaply, at the best price possible without making any of the common rookie mistakes?

If you're like most people, your house represents your life's work! Your life-savings! But the market is hot and you've decided to cash in. Good decision! Thousands are literally becoming rich off of the sell of their homes.

And you know what? A lot of them are doing it on their own. Without a realtor, and at their own pace. You may be skeptical, but remember...

"Thousands Now Have Said "NO" To Realtors Who Never Thought They Could Sell Their House On Their Own!"

So don't worry! Selling your house all by yourself won't be a nightmare if you follow the right information from the get-go. If you're even THINKING about selling your house on your own. Make sure to keep reading to find out how you can start the process armed with the tips, tricks, and tactics of the pros.

Within my 61 page guide, "101 Tips For Selling Your Home," I'll teach you how best to present your home to buyers, how to think inside their shoes, and leave the negotiating table with the best deal possible for both parties!

Armed with this insider knowledge, you'll be itchin' to get started selling your home for massive profit. And you can start learning this heavily guarded information in just minutes from now (my report downloads straight to your computer.) Just take a look...

...here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

  • The very first thing you should do when planning to sell your home.

  • Who you should be listening to for advice.

  • The perils of overpricing your house and how to think realistically.

  • The secret "deal-clinchers" some homeowners forget to advertise.

  • What information homebuyers are likely to want to know about transportation in your area.

  • The secret ingredient in your cities water that may help sell your house. Does your area have it?

  • How to add romance to your advertisements - work's great on newlyweds!

  • Why your yard matters, and what to do about it.

  • The list you should carry around with you when showing your house. Believe me, it will help you sell your home.

  • One simple change to a house that seemed to have no hope that instantly transformed it into the cutest house in the neighborhood (and helped it sell for $900,000).

  • 4 reasons NOT to sell your house (if deep down you really don't want to).

  • How to prepare yourself mentally for selling your house.

  • When to bring a professional in to inspect your house for hidden problems.

  • The test you should have performed on your house to impress potential buyers (and put them at ease).

  • How to bring up recent repairs to prospective buyers in a positive way (that doesn't make them worry).

  • How to put yourself in the buyers shoes.

  • 3 things the law requires you to fix.

  • How simply changing these two things in a room can liven up living areas.

  • How making repairs can actually decrease your profits.

  • How to find out what questions prospective buyers are likely to ask - before they do!

  • How to use word-of-mouth in ways more powerful than you thought possible.

  • The secret to using your company to help you find a buyer.

  • The 5 ingredients to selling a house according to Barb Schwarz, a highly successful realtor.

  • The secret to being successful with honesty.

  • 6 tips to placing an ad (including how to write one).

  • The truth about Internet ads versus classifieds.

  • How the perfect ad should look according to Bill Effros (an expert on home-selling).

  • 4 simple words that can double the response to your ad or better.

  • Find out which day is best to run your ad on (to have the best success).

  • 4 tips for preparing and taking phone calls from prospective buyers.

  • 3 simple tips for preparing your home before people start showing up.

- The little known trick successful sellers use to answer commonly asked questions effectively.

  • How to be firm in negotiations when buyers try to talk you down (by insulting your house).

  • How to legally transfer ownership of your house to the buyer (without making any critical mistakes).

  • 7 items every contract should cover.

  • The power of the "down payment" in protecting you as the seller.

  • 4 reasons why deals sometimes fall through.

  • And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!

"Will You Make These Mistakes When Selling Your Home?"

Do you know what the homebuyer is looking for these days? A buyer who has really done his or her homework can be a headache if you're not ready for them.

But if you do the proper research ahead of time, not only will you impress prospective buyers, you'll also attract many more who might have overlooked your house!

Inside my guide, you'll know exactly what inquiring buyers want to know about your house. Like on pages 13-15 where you'll find out my secret "deal-clinchers" that will often get a prospect who is on the fence to jump off and sign.


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