Buying and Selling Real Estate

$ 0.79


101 Tips to Make Money Buying and Selling Real Estate 


General Real Estate Investing Advice 

1. Budget your time wisely. If your intention is to purchase a home and restore, repair or remodel it in a short period of time before re-selling the property, you need to pay attention to the time that the work on the property is taking. The problem that many first time investors run into with house-flipping is that they did not expect the work to take so long. When delays occur, and mortgage payments are accumulating in addition to the cost of materials and labor it can definitely make for a stressful situation. Be realistic with estimates, and always have cash at the ready should you encounter an unexpected expense.

2. Research potential properties before purchasing them. When buying a rental property, there are several key features that you should be looking for. The first is sustainability. Is the property in solid condition and is it going to stay that way with minimal upkeep? The second is the location. Yes, location is extremely important for most rental properties. You need to ensure that your tenants can get to where they need to go and that the property is near commonly used retailers and service providers. The third is the average income of the area. This is different from physical location, because you should keep in mind that a high rent area is definitely a better location than a low rent area. And, in high rent areas location is often less of a concern than in low rent areas.

3. Consider flipping a house "as is". When flipping or buy-repair-sell is your thing, you might want to consider the advantages of flipping a home as is. Believe it or not, this technique is particularly popular among investors who purchase properties when the market is favoring sellers. The advantage is that there are no out of pocket repair costs, and the property can be sold much faster. Areas where this technique would be the most beneficial to investors include neighborhoods that are currently in transition or where redevelopment has become a priority.

4. Explore the option of real estate wholesaling. If you have a significant amount of funds available to you, and you would like to make real estate investing a full-time position for yourself, then you might want to consider becoming a real estate wholesaler. Much like any other wholesaler, you would buy properties at low prices and resell the properties to other investors. This is by far the real estate investment strategy that will generate income with very little work on your end once you become established in the business.


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