6 Figures List Secrets

$ 0.69

"Discover The Secret Formula I Used To Squeeze My List For 6-Figures!"

Got No List? A Small List? A "Dead" List? Here's How You Can Squeeze Double Or Triple The Profits From Your List Starting Today!

Dear Friend,

Making money on demand is easy when you have a list of super responsive subscribers.

But if you have a small list or if your list seems to be "dead", trying to get money from them is like trying to extract teeth - it just doesn't happen easily.

Even if you do have a big list, it doesn't matter how many subscribers you have, the only thing that equals dollars in your pocket is how they well respond to your emails.

Too many marketers are experiencing poor performance from their email list so if you thought it was just you, you're not alone.

Well now, you can find out how to make more money from your list or build it full of subscribers who will open and read your emails for literally cents on the dollar!

What Makes The Difference Between A 6-Figure List And A "Dead" List?

You've probably been led to believe that you need to "build a massive list and then you can make tons of money pour out into your Paypal any time you it send!"

Sure a big list helps, but these days more times than not, a big list doesn't equal big cash windfalls. If it was true that those with the biggest lists make the most money, then spammers would be the richest guys online.

What actually works is a simple formula that is much different to what a spammer does and if you want to succeed online, this formula is the only way to go.

Once you've got the fomula down, you can build your list big and make it incredibly profitable! The problem is that hardly anyone knows HOW this list and profit formula works.

Here's What You'll Learn Inside "6 Figure List Secrets"

Here's a sample of the "secrets" you're about to discover in the 148 pages of solid content...

  • 3 ways you can grow your business right now--and which of them can be responsible for 80% of your profits over what you're making now!

  • The exact autoresponder sequence I use for one of my best-selling products...and why it led to a 22.5% conversion rate in SALES for this $97 product for one target market! 

  • The 3 factors, in order of importance, that will determine how successful your product launch will be (and how to maximize your odds for success) 

  • The one critical factor that determines whether your recipient will open your email (no, it's not your subject line, it's who the email is FROM! Here's how to develop your relationship to the point where they open it automatically once they see it's from you!) 

  • All the squeeze pages I tested to get them to opt-in, plus the actual conversion numbers of each one. 


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