51 Ways to Reduce Allergies

$ 0.60

Do you hate the spring?

Do you run at the site of a dog or cat?

Do you carry around tissues wherever you go?

You're not alone.

51 Ways to Reduce Allergies can help!

Did you know...

  • Approximately 55 percent of all U.S. citizens test positive to one or more allergens

  • Allergies cost the health care system about $18 billion annually

  • Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in the United States

  • On average, 18.4 million adults and 6.7 children are diagnosed with hay fever each year

  • Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is the reason for over 15 million doctor office visits each year

Did you also know...

  • Where you buy your honey can reduce your pollen allergy

  • Colorful flowers are less bothersome than plain ones.

  • The right vitamins and herbs can help allergy sufferers

  • Ionizing air cleaners are NOT all they're cracked up to be.

  • Alcohol can make allergies worse

Find all these tips and more! Start putting those tissues away! Get Your Copy Of 51 Ways to Reduce Allergies -- Today!


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