42 Killer Marketing Articles

$ 0.55

"The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey"

"My 3 "Must Use" Secrets for Big Fat Subscriber Lists"

"3 Proven Ways to Make Your Newsletter Make You Money Today"

"The Hypnotic Power of Confusion"

"Why Some Ads Fail Miserably While Others Succeed Wonderfully"

"The Secret Behind Million-Dollar Ads"

"This is Barely Legal... But You Can Still Get Away With It"

"What do People Want Online? It's not what you think it is"

"Discover a Master Wordsmith's Secret for Turning Everything You Say into Wealth, Well-Being and Personal Success"

"Nothing is Secret Anymore!" - The Confessions of a Millionaire Information Broker"

"How to Use Other People's Money for Your Business"

"I Almost Flunked English But Went On To Make Millions of Dollars Writing Sales Copy"

"The Triggers of Success: How to Trigger a Successful Sale through the Power of Psychological Triggers"

"The Easiest Way to Write Anything"

"Don't be the Best...Be the First!"

"Narrow Your Focus and Broaden Your Sales"

"Killer Copy: Words That Are Like Magnets to Money"

"How to Instantly Double the Response of Any Ad, Letter or Web Promotion"

"The E-Factor: Two Ways to Instantly Get More Back from Every Promotion"

"What is Guerrilla Marketing?"

"Seven Steps For Creating Successful Marketing"

"Guerrilla Insights Into Direct Response"

"Ten Hot Tips For Using E-Mail To Get News Coverage For Business"

"How to Write Press Releases that Get Published"

"Would You Rather Be Rich or Famous? This is Not a Trick Question"

"Pets.com: Branding Goes to the Dogs"

"Build Your Business with Strong Brands - not a Mountain of Cash"

"Why Test?"

"Warning: Your Email is Invisible"

"The Death of Positioning?"

"How to Write a Million Dollar Sales Letter!"

"How to Hypnotize People into Reading Your Sales Materials!"

"The 10 Laws for Writing Letters that Get Results."

"How to Protect Yourself from Rip-off Artists, Con-men, Frauds, and Unethical Negotiators"

"How to get what you want from anyone by...Negotiating Without Giving Up One-Red Cent Of Your Hard-Earned Money!"

"Loyal Readers or Subscribers?"

"How to Easily Increase Your Affiliate Commissions in Two Days or Less"

"A Down and Dirty Guide to Search Engine Positioning"

"Traffic from FFA's. Really."

"How to Close More Online Sales Through the Magic of Questions"

"The Strange Story of the "Crackpot" Mail-OrderProphet ( or ) Five Things You Can Learn about Advertising from Dr. Frank B. Robinson"

"Revolutionary Change! Internet Marketing will never be the same again."


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