How You Can Cure Bad Breath

$ 0.69

Bad breath - whether chronic or temporary - cannot be effectively
treated with "generic" bad breath products, such as mouthwashes,
home-made rinses or herbal remedies. Most oral rinses available today -
even 2nd or 3rd generation mouthwashes (otherwise known as oxidisers) -
are in fact broad-spectrum antibiotics, that is, they do not target specific
strains of bacteria and their effects typically last less than an hour.
The same goes for home-made remedies, including hydrogen peroxide
rinses, baking soda, tea tree oil, or any other natural or herbal "bad
breath remedy".

Because bad breath is often just a symptom of
other conditions, infections or diseases that you may or may not be
aware of (not necessarily serious), treating bad breath "directly" means
you are only addressing a symptom, not the root causes of the
problem. Furthermore, the causes of halitosis will be different for each
bad breath sufferer, making each particular case unique, with different factors involved, and hence different strains of bacteria (or fungi) involved.


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